Lab 1 - Train your model
Create a custom vision model using the Microsoft Custom Vision service.
1. Setup the Azure Resources
Create a resource group
The Custom Vision Endpoint must be created inside a resource group. You can use an existing resource group or create a new one.
To create a new resource group, use the following command. Replace <<resource-group-name>> with your name to use for this resource group. Replace <<location>> with the Azure region to use for this resource group.
Create the Cognitive Service Account
Run the command below to create a free Custom Vision Training Endpoint. Replace <<resource-group-name>> with the name you used above and use the same location. Replace <<name>> with a name for your resource like: my-custom-vision-training.
Get the endpoint details from the Cognitive Service Account
To get the endpoint from the Cognitive service account run the CLI command below. Replace <<name>> and <<resource-group-name>> with the names used above.
Get the API keys
Get the endpoint URL
At this point you should have:
- An endpoint URL looking like this: https://<region> - 2 keys looking like this: 06a611d19f4f4a88a03f3b552a5d2379
2. Create A Jupyter Notebook
For creating the model we are going to use a Jupyter notebook running in Visual Studio Code.
Open a blank notebook
In the terminal type:
This will open a blank notebook in Visual Studio Code.
How does a notebook work?
A notebook has cells
In a cells you put code.
You can run the cell to execute code within that single cell
Hello world
In the first cell type:
Click on the play button on the left of the cell
The first time you have to select the Kernel your notebook is using, select the top one.
The result of the code is displayed below the cell
To add a new cell you can click the "+code" button in the top menu or if you move your mouse below a cell.
Add every block of code in this lab in a separate cell and excecute the cell as you go.
3. Create a Custom Vision Model
Every Machine Learning journey starts with a question you want to have answered. For this example, you are going to answer the question: Is it a Homer or a Marge Lego figure.
Download the dataset
Now that we know what to ask the model, we can go on to the next requirement; that is data. Our model is going to be a classification model, meaning the model will look at the picture and scores the pictures against the different classes. So, the output will be I’m 70% confident this is Homer and 1% confident that this is Marge. By taking the class with the highest score and setting a minimum threshold for the confidence score we know what is in the picture.
I have created a dataset for you with 50 pictures of a Homer Simpson Lego figure and 50 pictures of a Marge Simpsons Lego figure. I have taken the photos with a few things in mind:
Used a lot of different backgrounds
Took the photos from different angles.
I made sure the only object in the photo was Homer or Marge
The quality of the photos was consistent.
Use the Python code below to download and extract the dataset to the folder "data-train" or download the dataset and extract it manually in the folder "data-train".
Create a Custom Vision Project
Start with importing the packages needed.
Next, create variables for the Custom Vision endpoint, Custom Vision training key and the location where the training images are stored.
To start with the training, we need to create a Training Client. This method takes as input the endpoint and the training key.
Now you are ready to create your first project. The project takes a name and domain as input, the name can be anything. The domain is a different story. You can ask for a list of all possible domains and choose the one closest to what you are trying to accomplish. For instance if you are trying to classify food you pick the domain “Food” or “Landmarks” for landmarks. Use the code below to show all domains.
You might notice that some domains have the word “Compact” behind them. If this is the case it means the Azure Custom Vision Service will create a smaller model, which you will be able to export and run locally on your mobile phone or desktop.
Let’s create a new project with the domain set to “General Compact”.
Upload and tag the images
Next you need to create tags, these tags are the same as classes mentioned above. When you have created a few tags we can tag images with them and upload the images to the Azure Custom Vision Service.
Our images are sorted per tag/class in a folder. All the photos of Marge are in the folder named 'Marge' and all the images of Homer are in the folder named 'Homer'.
In the code below we do the following steps:
We open the directory containing the folders with training images.
Loop through all the directories found in this folder
Create a new tag with the folder name
Open the folder containing the images
Create, for every image in that folder, an ImageFileEntry that contains the filename, file content and the tag.
Add this ImageFileEntry to a list.
Now you have a list that contains all tagged images. So far no images have been added to the Azure Custom Vision service, only the tags have been created.
Uploading images goes in batches with a max size of 64 images per batch. Our dataset is 300+ images big, so first we need to split the list into chunks of 64 images.
Now we have our images split in batches of 64, we can upload them batch by batch to the Azure Custom Vision Service. Note: This can take a while!
Train the classification model
From this point, there are only two steps remaining before you can access the model through an API endpoint. First you need to train the model and finally you must publish the model, so it is accessible through a prediction API. The training can take a while, so you can create a while loop after the train request that checks the status of the model training every second.
Now you have successfully trained your model!
3. Test your model
To test our model we are going to export our model in the ONNX format, download the model and run it locally.
Export the iteration to an ONNX model
Use the code below to start the export. Creating an export can take a while depending on the size of your model and the platform of choice.
The code below checks if the export is done every 10 seconds
Download and unzip the exported model
When the export is done we can download the model in a zip file and extract the zip file in the ./model directory.
Download the test dataset
To test the model we need a images that the model never has seen. This code downloads the training set and unzips the set in the folder /data-test
Run the test images through the model
Finally we can see if our model works. The code below: 1. Gets all the images in the data-test directory 2. Loads the model 3. Loops over the array with test images 4. Opens and scales the image the right format for the model 5. Runs it through the model 6. Print the prediction to the console
4. Checklist
Great work! You have created your specialized Simpsons classification model using the Azure Custom Vision Service.
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